Saab 97X Air Filter

Dust is one of your engine's primary enemies. As your Saab 97X engine treks through the road, its' engine is exposed to harmful components such as dust that affects its' performance. The role of your car's air filter is to defend your engine from these harmful elements. For Saab 97X owners, this is the very role of your Saab 97X.

Also called a high-flow air filter, the Saab 97X Air Filter is a high-performance air filter equipped with various benefits. First off, it allows your vehicle to breathe cleaner air for increased torque and tremendous power for your internal combustion engine, extracting more power out of your Saab 97X.

Saab 97X Air Filter - CarParts Review

You have various options when it comes to the Saab 97X Air Filter. There are two major types however: the combustion air filter and the cabin filter. The combustion air filter hinders dust particles from entering the engine's combustion chambers. On the other hand, the cabin air filters purify the air that enters the ventilation system of your vehicle.

There are three main types of your Saab 97X Air Filter when it comes to composition: paper air filters, cotton air filters and foam air filters. Paper filters are often used in cars since these air filters are disposable and are less expensive. Foam filters deliver higher performance filtration as they have higher retention level that allows better air intake. Hence they are often used for real performance applications like the racing circuit.

Despite these benefits of paper air filters and foam air filters, cotton air filters are still considered the best material for filtration. They have the ability to be cleaned and re-used. However, one downside is that cotton air filters are not suitable to varying environments and in dusty or snowy conditions.

Your savvy Saab 97X does not deserve unclean air. Make sure it breathes easily for topnotch performance with the Saab 97X Air Filter.